Clergy Experience 2020
“Whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant.” Mark 10:43
Clergy Letter
Dear Esteemed Member of the Clergy,
This is a follow-up to the postcard you may have seen in July 2019.
The four Via de Cristo organizations (Secretariats) in Texas and Arkansas/Oklahoma are holding a 3-day retreat at Cedarbrake Retreat Center, Belton, TX, February 10-13, 2020.
This retreat is exclusively for ordained or consecrated leaders, Synodically Authorized Worship Leaders (SAWLs), retired clergy, and ordination candidates, and your spouses. This is a unique opportunity for you to experience a Via de Cristo “weekend” Monday through Thursday, with your colleagues and without your parishioners. We hope the timing, after Christmas, near the end of Epiphany, and two weeks before Ash Wednesday will fit your calendars well.
VIA DE CRISTO is a Spanish phrase meaning “Way of Christ,” and is a nationwide combined effort of laypeople and clergy to renew the church. VIA DE CRISTO is based on the fundamentals of Christianity, concentrating on the person and teachings of Jesus Christ. The focus is not on Via de Cristo itself, but on the environment of the community of believers and the commission to serve in their homes, churches, and communities.
A Via de Cristo retreat is 3 days long, designed to renew the body, mind, and spirit. The focus is on the layperson as the church in the world. The retreat is designed to provide a method for your congregants to develop effective lay leadership within your home church. Strengths are identified through study, worship, and fellowship in an intensely joyful and uplifting experience based on God’s overflowing grace and love. The resulting gift is the confidence to advocate God’s grace in their environments, which leads to the development of more lay resources within your congregation and community.
Via de Cristo is lay led, and is the Lutheran expression of Catholic Cursillo, very similar to Walk to Emmaus, ACTS, Tres Dias, Kairos, and other retreats focusing on spiritual renewal. It is a ministry whose intention is to renew and strengthen Christian faith. Those attending discover a new awareness of living in the overflowing abundance of God’s grace.
We would love for you to join us and experience God’s grace in a new way. We believe this retreat will not only benefit you personally, but also provide insight on how such a retreat would benefit your parishioners and ultimately your ministry, by growing leaders to return to your congregation.
The fee for Clergy Experience Retreat is $225, and payment is due by January 15, 2020. Payment may be made clicking on the "DONATE" button at the top of any webpage (bottom of the webpage if you are on a mobile device) or may be mailed to Jerry Gray, Treasurer, at 2433 Timber Ridge Lane, Flower Mound, TX 75028. All checks should be made out to "LVDCNT". Please designate that the donation is for "Clergy Experience 2020".
Also complete the online Registration Form and click "Submit".
Prayers For Team
Please keep the following Clergy Experience team members in prayer (Team member's VdC Secretariat is in parentheses. (AOK)=Arkansas-Oklahoma; (GC)=Gulf Coast; (NT)=North Texas; (TX)=Texas):
Rector: Jane Winge (NT)
Asst. Rectors: Rhonda Balsley (TX), Sue Bathe (GC)
Spiritual Directors: Pr. Sue Beall (GC), Pr. Gary Heath (GC), Bishop Mike Rinehart (GC), Seminarian Meredyth Johnson (NT), Rev. Olin Knudsen (NT), Pr. Percy Smerek (TX)
Palanca Rector/Rector’s Cha: Cindy Perkins (AOK)
Asst. Palanca Rector: Samantha Neuzil (TX)
Music Lead: Tracy Baker (GC)
Music: Pr. John Hirling (GC), Wendie Roser (TX), Donna Blalock (TX), Pr. Janice Heidlberger (NT), Kairos Brothers for Agape Meal (TX), Carol Van Buskirk (NT)
Kitchen Lead: Bill Roser (TX)
Kitchen Team: Gary Klatt (TX), Kent Frappier (GC), Becky Skodack (GC), Marilyn Potter (NT), Karen Wiese (NT)
Mail Room Lead: Carolyn Knudsen (NT)
Dining Room Lead: Denyse Bray (GC)
Dining Room: Robin Mains (NT), Janice Corona
Cabins Lead: Jim Williams (TX)
Cabins: Greg Hefner (NT)
Chapel Lead: Sandy Ordner (GC)
Chapel: Carol Otterstad (NT)
Rollo Room Support Lead: Pastor Gary Heath (GC)
Rollo Room Support Asst.: Caroline Nentwich (TX)
Nature of Grace: Seminarian Meredyth Johnson (NT)
Laity: Kathy Bean (NT)
Grace for Specific Acts: Rev. Olin Knudsen (NT)
Piety: Leslie Herd (NT)
Study: David Steele (TX)
Means of Grace: Pr. Sue Beall (TX)
Apostolic Action: Jack Balsley (TX)
Obstacles to Grace: Rev. Percy Smerek (TX)
Leaders: Barbara Rodgers (TX)
Evangelization of Environments: John Stokes (GC)
Life in Grace: Bishop Mike Rinehart (GC)
Christian Community in Action: Linda Geisler (GC)
Spiritual Direction: TBD
Total Security in the Fourth Day: Jane Winge (NT)
Computer Support: Martha Steele (GC)
Financial: Janet Crouch (GC), Terry Hefner (NT)
Registrar: Martha Steele (GC)
One Achord/Agape Dinner: Roger Hazelton, Savanah Hazelton, Daniel Fredericks, Shannon Thompson, Tracey Simon, Nicole Simon, Lorens San Pedro